Course Description

Using oil production as the criteria to determine a client's skin type, there are only 3 skin types: Dry, Oily, and Combination. Learn in this lesson the characteristics of the "Combination" skin type, how to recognize them and why I say it's the most common skin type.

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LE /Director of Education- CEO of Education Tree of Cosmetology

Jo Benoit

Jo (Ann) Benoit has been involved in the skincare industry for over 30 years. In that time, she researched various skin care product lines, studied Naturopathy, and has been a Laser Technician, consultant and aesthetician in private practice, as well as for physicians. Ms. Benoit also worked with the University of Connecticut’s Department of Dermatology, Clearwater Dermatology and Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery in Florida. Always a student herself, Ms. Benoit trained in Paris, becoming the National Educator for Matis-Paris prior to educating the staff of several National Companies. However, since she believes “there is no end to education” she continues to study, train and share her knowledge and experience.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Suggestions For Optimizing Lesson

    • Study Sheet: Combination

  • 2

    Skin Types - COMBINATION


    • Combination Skin Needs, Benefits and Suggested Ingredients