A state license is required to perform cosmetology services. (Exception; CT does not presently have a license for estheticians) Education Tree of Cosmetology, LLC (ETofC) is not designed to provide a vocational curriculum to meet the requirements for licensure and is NOT a substitute for professional training by a certified cosmetology institution. Our videos, classes and trainings are not intended to be used as a sole source of information but rather are intended to enrich and diversify your professional career.
The techniques shown in our videos must be performed by a qualified person with knowledge, certification and licensure. ETofC does not certify individuals; any certificate receive by a student from our programs is one a “Certificate of Completion” of a program or video requirements of a program.
ETofC and its instructors/presenters accept no responsibility for the application of its trainings and/or education. All use of the procedures and education provided by ETofC and its instructors is the sole responsibility of the student. This includes but is not limited to techniques and equipment used in trainings and videos.
Procedures shown in ETofC videos or classes are NOT suitable for everyone to receive. The instruction and advice presented in videos, trainings or classes are in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or counseling. Anyone receiving or performing procedures’ assumes the risk of injury resulting from these techniques. Since possible side effects may occur, any person performing procedures is responsible for screening individuals receiving these procedures. Individuals receiving procedures should consult with their physician if they have any health or medical concerns or contraindication(s). It is further the responsibility of the provider to inform the recipient of contraindications connect with the procedure(s).
The instruction and advice presented in ETofC videos, trainings and classes are that of the respective instructor and ETofC accepts no responsibility in connection with its accuracy or efficiency.
The instructors and any person connected with the production and distribution of ETofC trainings, videos, classes, procedures and techniques disclaim any liability with these techniques, equipment, advice/opinion and education provided herein. The educational information does not constitute endorsement of any other company, product or equipment unless otherwise stated.
ETofC and its instructors do not advise anyone to perform professional treatments without hands-on professional training, certification and licensure. All procedures and techniques performed in conjunction with ETofC trainings, videos, classes, procedures and techniques are the sole responsibility of the provider and recipient, and are performed and received at your own risk and liability.
I understand that Education Tree of Cosmetology.com (ETofC) is not a certifying platform. I agree that I will use any education presented by ETofC in accordance with application of law in my particular state and adhere to the laws and restrictions required of my license.
I understand that the training provided by ETofC and its instructors is not intended to replace a certified cosmetology school and ETofC can NOT provide the necessary certification for me to obtain a cosmetology, esthetics or nail technician license.
I understand and accept the terms of the refund policy of ETofC. (I.e. Information and education cannot be ‘returned’ and also may be considered intellectual property, therefore all sales are final and no refund is applicable)
I agree and understand that the purchase of digital information is protected under Federal law.
Federal law provides severe and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion picture, video (digital or taped). Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with up to 5 years in prison and/or a $250,000 or more fine for each infraction.
I agree that any videos or other purchases from ETofC are for personal use and will not be used or shown in a public or school setting and understand to do so will result in expulsion from the site and termination of all access to videos or other purchases from ETofC.